Date of Birth: 14.12.05
Sire: Aust. Ch. Rewari Latest Edition (imp UK)
Dam: Aust. Ch. Sangate Strawberry Blonde
Hips: 3.0. Elbows: 0.0.
Optigen DNA for PRA: Clear/Normal
EIC: Carrier
See Archie's own page for more details on this top winning dog.
DOB: 10.12.07 - Feb. 18
Yellow carrying chocolate
Sire: Aust. Grand Ch. Blackboy Grand Guinness
Dam: Aust. Ch. Blackboy Crakk'd Ice
Hips: 3.1. Elbows: 0.0.
PRA clear by parentage. EIC - Clear
Snow finished off his Championship title
by winning Best In Group twice on the one weekend.
Winner of three Best In Groups before an accident finished
his show career at the tender age of two and a half.
Saying that we did manage his injury enough for him to
compete in several shows in his later years.
1st. Junior Dog Class - 50th. Anniversary Championship Show under breed specialist Ms. Judith Charlton (UK) Foxrush Labradors
Liked his head and expression, good neck and shoulders, balanced body, level topline, good hind angulation, tight feet, needs more coat, moved with drive behind and good extension in front.
we feed exclusively and recommend
Date of Birth - 09.06.08
Sire: PMJV-05 Mallorn's Capuccino
Dam: Mallorn's Chocomotion
Hips: 4.4. Elbows: 0.0.
PRA clear by Parentage
EIC - DNA Clear
Best In Group winner in his very first show
Best In Show - L.R.C.of WA Championship Show
Under Mr. Max Martin (ACT) Balarishnan Labradors.
Tupla wins Best in Group 1 under group specialist Ms.C.Pearen (Qld)
"Jack" Yellow
Date of Birth: 30.05.09
Sire: Am. Ch. Devonshires Limited Edition
Dam: Devonshires Hot Toddy
Hips: 2.4. Elbows: 0.0.
DNA: PRA: Clear, EIC: Carrier, Heart: Clear
"Anssi" Black carrying chocolate - not yellow
Date of Birth: 26.01.06
Sire: Fin. Ch. Mallorns Shenandigan
Dam: Fin. Ch. Boothgates Miz Showbusiness (UK)
Hips: B, Elbows: 0.0. PRA: Clear EIC: DNA Clear
Above - in Quarantine Oct. 2011
Black carrying Chocolate
11.01.12 - 29.01.25
Sire: Ch. Mallorns Aint Mizbehavin (Imp.Fin)
Dam: Blackboy Bold N Beautiful
Hips: 1.1. Elbows: 0.0.
DNA: PRA Clear, EIC, L/C, HNPK Carrier
Pic . right at aged 12 weeks
& left 5 months
At the 7th. Labrador Retriever National held in Melbourne
in May 2012, SNOW was awarded 5th. place in a big class
of Australian Bred dogs under breed specialist Mr. Richard Edwards
of the U.K.
At the 7th. Labrador Retriever National held in Melbourne
in May 2012, Tupla was awarded third in a large entry of
Open Dogs under breed specialist, Mr. Richard Edwards of the UK
Critique: CH. Mallorns Double Choco. Very good chocolate
put down very well and well handled. All breed points,
head, coat and tail. Correct substance. Lovely body and
good quarters.Very nice quality, very much the finished
article. I preferred the balance of the winners.
"Sunny" Date of Birth: 27.11.12
Sire: Can.Ch.Am.Gr.Ch.Sunnydaze Running Across the Miles
Dam: NZ Ch. Cornerstone Design A Wish
Hips: 0.0. Elbows: 0.0. PRA Clear. EIC Carrier
Gundog Club of WA - Championship Show - May 2013
Runner Up to Best of Breed (to his sire) and
Best State Bred in Show - Judge: Cam Cavello (Victoria)
Multi Best of Breed & class in shows winner
Sinner wins BEST IN SHOW at the
Championship Show of The Labrador
Retriever Club of WA, June 2013
Judge: Breed Specialist from the UK
Mrs. Jane Rawlinson
Mrs. Jane Rawlinson's critique:
1st Blackboy Aint No Saint
This boy caught my eye the second he entered the ring. He had just what I was looking for from his masculine head with kind expression, good reach of neck into well placed shoulders. Excellent level topline with correct tail set. Super front construction with correct upper arm angulation. Lovely and deep through body with correct spring of rib. Strong hind quarters with good turn of stifle and second thigh. Correct double coat and otter tail. Moved truly and steadily around the ring maintaining his outline. He may not be the most exuberant of show dogs but he is all Labrador and exudes breed type. I would happily have him in our kennel. I was delighted to award him BIS .
Left: At aged one year winning yet another Best of Breed
Sunny is a multi group winning dog.
With Handler: Julia Van Dinter
After multiple Runner Up Best In Groups (Group 2)
Sunny wins a Best in Group under breed specialist,
Mr. Hugh Gent of Gunnislake Labradors (NSW)
With the triple header of championship shows,
Sunny won three Dog CC's, three Junior In Groups,
one Best in Group (Group 1) and two Junior in Show.
Right: Aged 16 months with Julia Van Dinter
Sunny's pedigree
Snow - winning Best of Breed
6 1/2 years
Best In Gundog Group
Perth Royal Show 2014
Back to back Royal wins
At the 8th Labrador Retriever National held in Brisbane 2014
Judge: Gary Johnson (UK) awarded him second in Open Dog Class.
Critique: Another clean lined yellow, just preferred the more fluid movement
and hindquarters of the winner. Of good breed type, superb topline and
tailset, good underline and deep through the brisket. Good length of leg
and stands on sound bone. Well muscled quarters, perhaps just a tad long
through the second thigh. Liked his kind masculine head and expression
Snow, Best of Breed, Best in Gundog Group,
his son, Ice, Reserve Challenge Dog.
His daughter, Tig, Bitch CC and RUBOB and her
dam, Eliza , Reserve Challenge Bitch.
A true family affair at the 2013 Perth Royal Show.
Critiques from the Championship Show/s held by
The LRC of NSW in May 2015
Ms. Pauline Mortier (Lubberline) (USA)
1st. Ch. Cornerstone Hotter By T Mile (NZ)
A yellow boy very reminiscent to me of my Ch.
Lubberline Martingale with super topline, tail and
moved out smartly. Happy fellow that was a bit of
a handful for the handler - also something I
experienced many times myself.
Ms. Cizia Sgorbati (Dolphingham) (Italy)
1st. Ch. Cornerstone Hotter By T Mile (NZ)
Beautiful yellow. Well balanced with lovely head,
good angulation front & rear, Lovely Temperament.
Moved well.
Cuba. Date of Birth 24.10.14
Black Carrying chocolate - not yellow
Sire: Int. Ch. Ndl Ch. Carpenny Scenario (UK)
Dam: Blackboy Just Jaffa
Hips: 2.2. Elbows: 0.0.
PRA and EIC clear. Long Coat gene clear.
HNPK Carrier
Chocolate carrying yellow
Rusty. Date of Birth 30.01.15
Sire: Am.Gr.Ch.,Can Ch. Big Skys Stonekutter
Dam: Lacote Brigitte De Chablais
Hips: 2.0. Elbows: 0.0.
PRA and EIC clear, DNA: HNPK Clear
Aged 3 months.
Baby In Show - LRC of WA Champ. Show
Judge: Mrs. S. Maskeil (UK)
ABove 4 months, Right 8 months
Sunny winning another Best In Group at
The Western Classic Championship Show
Judge: Senor G. Paolucci (Argentina)
Rusty, winning Best of Breed, Junior in Group
and BEST IN GROUP. Judge: Mrs. Mavis Cochrane (WA)
Aged : 16 months.
Rusty winning Limit Dog & Opposite Limit in Show
at the 2016 Adelaide Labrador Retriever National
Judge: Mr. Phillipe Lammens (France)
Sunny taking third place in a large Open Dog class
at the 2016 Labrador National in Adelaide
Judge: Mr. Phillipe Lammens (France)
Critique; Super show man, so balanced, powerful and elegant
Super neck, topline, tail set
Exc front and back angulations, powerful back end
Exc deep body, Exc coat, bones and feet
Moves very well, Champion Quality
Yellow carrying chocolate
Date of Birth: 30.06.16
Sire: Fin.Ch. Devonshire London Edition (USA)
Dam: Aust. Ch. Blackboy Diamonds R Forever (ai)
Hips: 2.9. Elbows: 0.0.
DNA: PRA, EIC, HPNK, Long coat clear
Critique: Super show chocolate, so beautiful and elegant
Exc head, expression and pigmentation, lovely color
Super neck, topline, tail set, Exc
front and back angulations, powerful back end
Exc coat, bones and feet
Moves very well
Storm earns his Aust. championship at just 11 months
Judge: Mrs. M. Lyons (USA)
Dog CC and Runner UP Best In Show
LRC of WA Champ Show 2017
Critique: Yellow - beautifully sized outline & type.
Covered ground, reach & drive clean coming & going.
Nice balance front to rear, proper fore chest,
pleasing head & strong body.
Sunny winning Best in Group
May, 2017
Judge: Ms. S. Lancaster (NSW)
Rusty winning Reserve Dog CC
and Intermediate in Show
LRC of WA Champ Show 2017
Judge: Mrs. M. Lyons (USA)
Storm winning Puppy in Show
LRC of WA Champ Show 2017
Judge: Mrs. M. Lyons (USA)
Critique: Excellent size and outline.
Strong in build but yet moderate.
Well coated, substance correct, nice bone to feet.
True moving side gate, head & neck.
Kind eye, proper head.
Storm winning BEST IN SHOW
at the All Breeds Dog CLub Champ Show 29th. July
and then JUNIOR IN SHOW 30th. July.
Judges: Dr. F. McEvoy (SA), Mr. S. Yiannou (Qld)
Mr. K. Lee (Vic)
At the inaugaral Dogs West CELEBRATION OF THE BEST, with six Internatonal Judges
Storm wins BEST PUPPY.....such a huge thrill
Best of Breed - Puppy in Show
Best of Breed, Best in Group, Junior in Show
STorm - Best Of Breed Perth Royal Show 2017
Best In Show - No.2
Judge: Mrs.D.Johnson (NSW) Group
Judge: Mr. M Harase (Japan)GS's
At just 21 months of age Storm wins the 2017 Contest of Winners
Storm winning Runner Up Best In Show
Group Judge: Ms. O. Nankivell
GS Judge: Mr. P. Primrose
Storm taking out BIG win no. 6
Judge: Mrs. V. Harris (NSW)
Some pics of Storm taken at the 10th. Labrador Retriever National,
where he won Challenge Dog, Runner UP Best In Show and Intermediate In Show
under Breed Specialist Mr. Arwyn Ellis of the UK (Dolwen Labradors)
Mr. Ellis critique:
1st place: Ch. Blackboy Storm In A Teacup (ai) (Blackboy Knls)
Stunning dog expertly handled. Good length of muzzle, kind eye
of correct colour and shape. Excellent front construction, good bone
leading to tight feet. In excellent coat and condition. Strong quarters
with good turn of stifle, moved with reach and drive.
Best in Group - Judge: Mr. Z. Tan and Best In Show - Judge: Mr. R. Beattie
WAKC FCI Champ Show - BIG & BIS 3
Group Judge: Mrs. E. Ty (Phillipines)
GS Judge: Mr. S. Sharma (India)
WAKC - Winter Festival - Best In Show - No. 4
Group Judge: Mr. S. Watson (Cyprus)
GS Judge: Mrs. E. Ty (Phillipines)
Storm Wins Best of Breed,
Best in Group AND INtermediate in Show
2018 Perth Royal Show
Judges: Breed - Ms.M.Pylvanainen-Suorsa(Finland)
Group & Gen.Specials Judge: Ms. L. Finne (Finland)
Left: BIS LRC of WA Champ Show - Judge: Mrs.J.Hocking (Vic)
Centre: BIS NSDC of WA - Judge: Mr. A. Beattie (WA)
Right: RUBIS NSDC of WA - Judges: Mrs.R.Seare (Qld ) Mrs M Sunde (Norway)
Best in Show All Breeds No 6
State Bred in Show all 3 Shows
Storm winning Best In Show
LRC Of NSW Champ Show
Judge: Mrs. S. Patterson (NSW)
LRC of WA 60th Champ Show
Judge: Breed Specialist
Mr AB (Dinky) Santos (Phillipines)
Best in Show
Another successful weekend for Storm taking Best In Groups with Judges Mrs. M. Kerfoot & Ms D. Lee (Vic)
Shown here with Ms D. Lee & his daughters winning Bitch CC, Int. In Group & Junior in Group.
Taking State Bred in Show (Ms L Harwood -Vic) RUBIS (Mr. M Derbyshire NSW) State Bred In Show.
BIS Sup.Ch.Blackboy Absolut Viktor (ai)
Yellow. Date of Birth: 05.11.19
Sire: Int. Ch. Bravo Messi (Russia)
Dam: Ch. Eraky Intuitive (ai)
Hips: 2.4. Elbows: 0.0.
Above - nearly ten months
Viktor winning both Best of Breeds
offered at the Champ shows Sept 20
Plus one Junior in Group
Viktor winning Best In Group - #1
and Junior in Show - Dec 2020
BEST IN SHOW - No 1 - FEB 21
Best in Show No3
Judge: Mr. D. McGreevy (Qld)
Best In Group No..11
with Gundog specialist Judge: Ms. Tracy Mol
Runner Up Best in Group (Gr 2)
Judge: Mrs. Coral Gray
RUBIS with Judge Mrs. P Campbell
Above -Viktor and Pics from the 2023 Labrador National in Melbourne
Reserve CC dog and Open in Show.
Judge: Mr. Sergio Scarpellini (Italy)
Western Classic triple header March 2023
BIG and RUBIS Judge: Mr. Gopi Krishnan. BIG 2Judge: Mr. Banson Hsu BIG 2 Judge: Mr. Chakkapan Chantarasmee
Best in Group & RUBIS with Judges:
Mrs. Jodie Wilshier (Qld) and Mr. Ashley Reid (Vic)
Western Classic night 2 Mar 2024
Best in Group No. 27
Judge: Mr. J. Camac (Vic)
Best in Group No. 28
Judge: Mr. G. Browne (Victoria)
DOB: 23.11.23
Sire: Ch Sangate Could Get Messi (ai)
Dam: Ch Blackboy Russian Roulette
Hips: 1.0. Elbows: 0.0.
DNA: Clear of ALL hereditary issues
Minor Puppy in Show - 6.5 months.
Judge: Mr. R. Berwick
Perth Royal show.
Show 1 - Judge: Mr. Masahiko fukamachi (Japan)
Best In Group.
Show 2 - Judge: Mr.Javinder Singh Pawar (India)
Best In Group and Best In show
He is a very nice yellow boy which I consider to have a bright future. I am pleased with his proportions and balance which is important at an early age. Beautiful head and expression, but he still has his puppy head. Well pigmented. He has good bone substance, for to grow up to a strong male. He is very angulated and has a super second thigh.. A strong topline. I like his thick coat and Labrador tail. Excellent temperament.
Fabulous results for Reno at the three Championship shows in July.
Winning a Best in Group from puppy class and then on two Best Puppy in Show awards.
And another three fabulous results for Reno at the Oktoberfest weekend of shows.
Three Puppy in Groups, One Best in Group and a Puppy in show.
Reno attained his title at these events.
Another fabulous weekend for Reno.
Winning his 3rd. Best in Group
AND 1st Best in Show
Still not yet a year old....
Gr Judge: Mrs D. Harbin (NSW)
GS''s Judge: Mrs. I Glynn (SA)